Days of future past? The reform of the European fiscal framework, the (enduring) role of the structural balance and the pro-cyclical bias of potential GDP endogeneity (2024, with Giovanni Carnazza). Discussion papers of the Department of Economics e Management – University di Pisa n. 306. Article DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32879.44964

Economy-Finance-Environment-Society Interconnections in a Stock-Flow Consistent Dynamic Model (2024, with Matteo Deleidi, Riccardo Pariboni and Marco Veronese Passarella). Review of Political Economy, 36(2), pp. 844–878. Article DOI: 10.1080/09538259.2023.2217776.

On the Takeover Mechanism in Market Socialism (2024, with Matteo Sommacal). Journal of Economics. Article DOI: 10.1007/s00712-023-00849-4.

Understanding Socialism from the Outside and from the Inside: an Interview with Alberto Chilosi (2024, with André Pedersen Ystehede). European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies, 21(1), pp. 1-13. Article DOI: 10.4337/ejeep.2024.01.01.

Inequality and Exchange Rate Movements in an Open Economy Macroeconomic Model (2024, with Francesco Ruggeri and Marco Veronese Passarella). Review of Political Economy, 36(2), pp. 722-760. Article DOI: 10.1080/09538259.2022.2062961.

Book Review of Charles J. Whalen (ed.), “A Modern Guide to Post-Keynesian Institutional Economics”, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (UK), 2022. (2023, with Giuseppe Fontana). Contributions to Political Economy, 42(1), pp. 263-266. Article DOI: 10.1093/cpe/bzad015.

Is Socialism Back? A Survey of Contemporary Economic Literature (2023, with André Pedersen Ystehede). Journal of Economic Surveys, 37(2), pp. 239-270. Article DOI: 10.1111/joes.12488. [A Chinese version of the paper has been published in Contemporary World and Socialism. 5/2022, pp. 96-108].

The Trade-off between Inflation and Unemployment in an MMT World: an Open Economy Perspective (2023, with Matteo Deleidi). European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies, 20(1), pp. 90-124. Article DOI: 10.4337/ejeep.2022.0080.

What modern monetary theory is, and what it is not (2023, with Giuseppe Fontana). European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies, 20(1), pp. 56-66. Article DOI: 10.4337/ejeep.2022.0088.

Competitive vs Cumulative Approach in Teaching Macroeconomics: Some Thoughts on Recent Popular Textbooks (2022). PSL Quarterly Review, 75(301), pp. 161-171. Article DOI: 10.13133/2037-3643/17785.

A New, Simple SFC Open Economy Framework (2022). Review of Political Economy, 34(3), pp. 504-533. Article DOI: 10.1080/09538259.2021.1899518.

Price Mechanism and Endogenous Productivity in an Open Economy Stock-Flow Consistent Model (2021). Metroeconomica, 72(1), pp. 22-56. Article DOI: 10.1111/meca.12309.

Cross-Border Financial Flows and Global Warming In a Two-Area Ecological SFC Model (2021, with Matteo Deleidi, Riccardo Pariboni and Marco Veronese Passarella). Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 75. Article DOI: 10.1016/j.seps.2020.100819.

Assessing the Marshall-Lerner Condition within a Stock-Flow Consistent Model (2020, with Giuseppe Fontana and Marco Veronese Passarella). Cambridge Journal of Economics, 44(4), pp. 891–918. Article DOI: 10.1111/meca.12270.

Productivity Growth, Smith Effects and Ricardo Effects in Euro Area’s manufacturing Industries (2020, with Antoine Godin, Stefano Lucarelli and Marco Veronese Passarella). Metroeconomica, 71(1), pp.129-155. Article DOI: 10.1093/cje/bez060.

SFC Dynamic Models: Features, Limitations and Developments (2019. With Matteo Deleidi, Riccardo Pariboni, Marco Veronese Passarella). In: Philip Arestis and Malcolm Sawyer (eds.), Frontiers of Heterodox Macroeconomics, Palgrave Macmillian, pp. 223-276.