NEW WORKING PAPER: The role of Endogenous NAWRU in reducing the “Space of Forgiveness”. A Theoretical and Empirical Appraisal of the European Fiscal Framework.

With Giovanni Carnazza and Matteo Sommacal – The European Union’s fiscal policy framework imposes constraints on individual countries’ fiscal policies to ensure long-term financial sustainability. However, it is also designed to provide flexibility through the operation of “off-balance” automatic stabilisers. In practice, these rules have led to pro-cyclical measures in […]

NEW WORKING PAPER: The role of Endogenous NAWRU in reducing the “Space of Forgiveness”. A Theoretical and Empirical Appraisal of the European Fiscal Framework. Read More

Fed, BoE, BoJ: primo round chiuso, quali saranno i prossimi passi? Intervista a Class CNBC

È stata una settimana importante per le Banche Centrali, con le decisioni della Banca d’Inghilterra e della Fed di lasciare i tassi invariati, ma anche con la storica scelta della Bank of Japan di abbandonare la sua politica monetaria non convenzionale di tassi negativi e “controllo della curva dei rendimenti”. […]

Fed, BoE, BoJ: primo round chiuso, quali saranno i prossimi passi? Intervista a Class CNBC Read More

L’educazione economica e finanziaria a scuola. Una iniziativa al Liceo Socrate di Roma.

Questa settimana terrò una serie di lezioni al Liceo Socrate di Roma, nell’ambito di un progetto pilota per l’educazione economica e finanziaria nelle scuole italiane e britanniche. Il corso è stato finanziato dall’Impact Funding della facoltà di Business & Law della Northumbria University di Newcastle upon Tyne (e grazie al […]

L’educazione economica e finanziaria a scuola. Una iniziativa al Liceo Socrate di Roma. Read More

PhD SCHOLARSHIP: “Technical and economic development of innovative bio-based construction materials”.

Call for applications for a fully funded PhD position – available for 3 years – supervised by Dr. Giovanni Pesce, Prof. Meng Zang and Dr. Emilio Carnevali: the research activity is based at Northumbria University’s laboratories and aims at developing “enhanced lime-based materials” with the addition of bacteria. Furthermore, the […]

PhD SCHOLARSHIP: “Technical and economic development of innovative bio-based construction materials”. Read More

On the Takeover Mechanism in Market Socialism

New WORKING PAPER: “On the Takeover Mechanism in Market Socialism”, by Emilio Carnevali and Matteo Sommacal. The paper investigates the reasons for the socialist movement’s historical distrust of the development of “well-defined” economic projects. This attitude seems to have changed, as a variety of blueprints for a socialist economy have […]

On the Takeover Mechanism in Market Socialism Read More