Negli Stati Uniti la Modern Monetary Theory sta suscitando un dibattito estremamente acceso ben oltre i ristretti circuiti accademici, complice l’endorsement di personalità politiche di rilievo del campo progressista. Un libro aiuta a fare chiarezza su cos’è e cosa propone – da – Poche settimane fa Mario Draghi ha […]
Productivity growth, Smith effects and Ricardo effects in Euro Area’s manufacturing industries
Abstract – with Antoine Godin, Stefano Lucarelli and Marco Veronese Passarella – Metroeconomica – We analyse the determinants of labour productivity across (a sample of) EA member states. We focus on the divergent dynamics before and after the financial crisis, and of core countries relative to peripheral countries. We ground […]
Frontiers of Heterodox Macroeconomics
It’s now available “Frontiers of Heterodox Macroeconomics” (edited by Philip Arestis and Malcolm Sawyer. Palgrave Macmillan). The purpose of the volume is to review the ‘state of the art’ in heterodox macroeconomics, its strengths and weaknesses and future directions. The book also features a chapter on “Stock-Flow Consistent Dynamic Models” […]