This article – written with Francesco Ruggeri and Marco Veronese Passarella – presents a complete macroeconomic (SFC) model to study income and wealth distribution in an open economy. We argue that exchange rates and the stock of foreign debt play a major role in shaping inequality across and within countries. Using the ‘relative […]
Competitive vs Cumulative Approach in Teaching Macroeconomics: Some Thoughts on Recent Popular Textbooks
In this paper I critically evaluate two different approaches to teaching macroeconomics at the undergraduate level through the comparison of two popular, recent handbooks: Olivier Blanchard’s Macroeconomics (2021) and William Mitchell, Randall Wray and Martin Watts’s Macroeconomics (2019). These textbooks are taken as benchmarks of two opposite views of the discipline: the cumulative as […]
The Trade-Off between Inflation and Unemployment in an ‘MMT World’: An Open-Economy Perspective.
This paper – written with Matteo Deleidi – is focused on modern monetary theory’s (MMT) treatment of inflation from an open-economy perspective. It analyses how the inflation process is explained within the MMT framework and provides empirical evidence in support of this vision. However, it also makes use of a […]