Settant’anni fa saliva al potere in Urss Nikita Krusciov. Tentò di riformare l’economia sovietica, aumentando la produzione agricola e decentralizzando la pianificazione. Sotto di lui nacquero le idee alla base del programma economico di Gorbachev. – da – “Dopo un paio di anni di scuola, avevo imparato a contare […]
A Modern Guide to Post-Keynesian Institutional Economics
The last couple of decades have seen the publications of many and often disparate contributions that build on the shared view of John Maynard Keynes and John Commons. A Modern Guide to Post-Keynesian Institutional Economics (PKIE) recently published by Edward Elgar and edited by Charles J. Whalen is a careful review of […]
Symposium on MMT
The “European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention” has just published an interesting symposium on Modern Monetary Theory and its critics. The starting point was a couple of papers written by two economists of the Banque de France – Françoise Drumetz and Christian Pfister. As pointed out by Marc […]