On the Takeover Mechanism in Market Socialism

Just published in the Journal of Economics is the paper “On the Takeover Mechanism in Market Socialism”, written with Matteo Sommacal . In the three decades since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the notion of socialism has been swept into almost total disrepute. The more recent economic literature, however, […]

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European Stability and Growth Pact: why the arguments for austerity no longer work.

Below the English translation of my interview published by the Italian magazine Micromega on 15 December 2023. This is the link to the original version (in Italian). The ongoing negotiations on the new European fiscal rules are showing the usual opposition between the pro and the anti-austerity front. It is […]

European Stability and Growth Pact: why the arguments for austerity no longer work. Read More

Patto di stabilità, perché le ragioni del “rigore” non funzionano più. Intervista su Micromega.

Le negoziazioni in corso sulle nuove regole fiscali europee stanno mostrando la solita contrapposizione tra il fronte “pro” e quello “contro” il “rigore fiscale”. Una contrapposizione antica, che affonda le sue radici nella stessa architettura originaria dell’unione monetaria. Con Emilio Carnevali, che insegna economia alla Northumbria University di Newcastle (Regno Unito), cerchiamo […]

Patto di stabilità, perché le ragioni del “rigore” non funzionano più. Intervista su Micromega. Read More

The legacy of Khrushchev’s agricultural reforms

Seventy years ago, Nikita Khrushchev became the leader of the then-superpower Soviet Union (USSR). His legacy as leader echoed through the remaining years of the USSR. His reforms did not quite achieve the successes he sought. But in this retrospective on Khrushchev’s legacy, economist Emilio Carnevali shows that Khrushchev did […]

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PhD SCHOLARSHIP: “Technical and economic development of innovative bio-based construction materials”.

Call for applications for a fully funded PhD position – available for 3 years – supervised by Dr. Giovanni Pesce, Prof. Meng Zang and Dr. Emilio Carnevali: the research activity is based at Northumbria University’s laboratories and aims at developing “enhanced lime-based materials” with the addition of bacteria. Furthermore, the […]

PhD SCHOLARSHIP: “Technical and economic development of innovative bio-based construction materials”. Read More

Fratelli d’Italia e la difficile scelta fra la destra inglese e quella americana

Il passaggio dall’opposizione alla guida del governo ha imposto a Fratelli d’Italia un faticoso percorso di riposizionamento ideologico. I conservatori inglesi sono stati spesso additati come modello per una nuova destra italiana alla ricerca di legittimazione internazionale. Ma le differenze fra i due partiti rimangono sostanziali. – da micromega.net – […]

Fratelli d’Italia e la difficile scelta fra la destra inglese e quella americana Read More

Economy-Finance-Environment-Society Interconnections In a Stock-Flow Consistent Dynamic Model

This article – written with Matteo Deleidi, Riccardo Pariboni and Marco Veronese Passarella – work takes inspiration from four theoretical strands: recent developments in ecological macroeconomics; the Schumpeterian framework of evolutionary economics that emphasises the entrepreneurial role of the State; the stock-flow consistent approach to macroeconomic modelling; and the supermultiplier […]

Economy-Finance-Environment-Society Interconnections In a Stock-Flow Consistent Dynamic Model Read More

On the Takeover Mechanism in Market Socialism

New WORKING PAPER: “On the Takeover Mechanism in Market Socialism”, by Emilio Carnevali and Matteo Sommacal. The paper investigates the reasons for the socialist movement’s historical distrust of the development of “well-defined” economic projects. This attitude seems to have changed, as a variety of blueprints for a socialist economy have […]

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